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Bishop Creighton Academy


The Bishop Creighton Academy provides for the needs of children within the 4 to 11 age range who live in Peterborough.

Pupils will be admitted at the age of 4+ without reference to ability or aptitude using the criteria set out in this policy. Admission to our Academy is not dependent on any ‘voluntary’ contribution.

Admissions Numbers

  • 30 for pupils in Reception Year

For admission to Reception Year for September 2025, parents should apply using the Peterborough City Council’s Admission process. The deadline for applications is 16 January 2025; you will then get an offer for a place on 17 April 2025. 

For all other in-year admissions, please contact the LA Admissions team.

Click here to apply online or ring PCC on 01733 747474 or 864007 and ask for the Admissions Team. You can also email them on

Click on the links below for the Bishop Creighton Academy Admissions policies:


If a parent/carer's application for a place at the Academy is unsuccessful, they have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel.

Parents/carers should submit their appeal, in writing and giving their reasons for appeal via the online appeal form on the PCC website. Please visit this Appeals website for more information about deadlines and to complete the form.

Please be aware that the regulations under Section I of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 limit the size of an infant class (a class in which the majority of children will reach the age of 5, 6 or 7 during the school year) to 30 pupils per class teacher.  Admissions over this limit are only permitted in very limited circumstances.

Please contact the Academy office on 01733 343895 if you have any queries regarding your child’s admission or to arrange a visit to look round the Academy.

If your child is offered a place with us to start in Reception, we will invite you to an information evening and also offer you and your child the chance to come into school and meet the staff during the summer term before starting in the September. Staff also like to carry out home visits before children start at the Academy to allow teachers and parents to talk in confidence and to also begin to build relationships with the child and their family.