Full Reopening from Monday, 7th September 2020

We are delighted to welcome all pupils back to the academy from Monday, 7 September 2020 in Years 1 – 6. Read on for important information regards our reopening plans...
The safety of our children, their families and our staff is our number one priority; as such we have worked extremely hard to consider how to do this appropriately. Our “Covid 19 Revised Operating Procedures” and supporting risk assessments are available to view here.
On return to the academy in September, we will be adhering to strict government guidelines. The overarching principle we are required to apply is reducing the number of contacts between children and staff. As such, we will be keeping our year groups separate (in bubbles) and maintaining social distancing at all times. This means the classes will not mix during the course of the day. Both secure measures and protective measures have been put into place. Please be advised school attendance for all pupils from September 2020 is mandatory.
Drop off and pick up of pupils
To reduce congestion the academy will have two start and finish times KS1 9.00- 3.00 & KS2 9.15 – 3.15
Pupils should be dropped off at the main gate at the designated time for their group – maintaining social distancing. Parents will not be permitted on site. Staff will safely escort pupils to/from their classroom- maintaining social distancing. Unfortunately, any pupils arriving late will not be admitted. We expect all parents to adhere to social distancing whilst dropping off/collecting pupils.
EYFS & Key Stage 1 Drop off - School day will start at 9.00 (This is the same as usual timings for BCA)
The main gate will open from 8.45 – 8.55am. Pupils should be dropped at main gate. Pupils should make their way directly to classroom external door. Staff will be present along the route to ensure social distancing.
Key Stage 2 Drop off - School day will start at 9.15 (This is 15 min later than usual timings for BCA)
The gates will open from 9.00 – 9.10. Year 3 & 5 should be dropped at main gate. Year 4 & 6 should be dropped at side gate (far corner of car park). Pupils should make their way directly to classroom external door. Staff will be present along the route to ensure social distancing.
KS1 Collection time – School day will end at 3.00: Parents should enter site via main gate. Take path onto playground keeping to left hand side. Only one parent may collect one child. Parents should abide by social distancing at all times. Parents should walk on right hand side when leaving the site, ensuring social distancing. Once collected, pupils must stay with their parent at all times. They may not run on ahead.
Reception – parents to line up on markers and collect from classroom door.
Year 1 – parents to line up on markers and collect from KS1 side door beneath canopy.
Year 2 – parents to line up on markers and collect from Y2 classroom door.
KS2 Collection time - School day will end at 3.15: Parents in Year 3 should enter site via main gate. Take path onto playground keeping to left hand side. line up on 2m markers alongside of school building. Teachers will bring Y3 line up to low fence and send to parents one at a time.
Parents in Year 4 should wait for their child off site by side entrance. Staff will send Y4 pupils out one at a time to their parent.
Parents of Year 5 & Year 6 pupils may not enter the site. Parents should wait off site by side or main entrance. Older pupils walking home alone or going to meet a parent will wait until last to leave the site so that they avoid getting stuck in any congestion/ lines of parents waiting to collect children. This will take longer than usual so please be patient.
Other information
Entering the classroom: External classroom doors will be used as the only entry/exit point for each group for the entire day, except for using toilets. All pupils/staff will wash their hands before taking to their seats. Younger pupils will be supervised as they wash their hands for 20 seconds. Children should bring a packed lunch, coat and water bottle only into school.
During the school day: Pupils will stay in the same classroom for the duration of the school day and will occupy the same desk which will be labelled with their name. Any equipment which has been touched e.g pens, pencils, devices, screens will not be shared beyond the class bubble without thorough cleaning. Pupils will only leave the classroom for outside time or toilet breaks. Visits to the toilet will be supervised to ensure pupils follow social distancing requirements and wash hands properly afterwards. Year groups will be separated at all times, as such, we will operate staggered breaktimes and lunchtimes.
Lunchtimes: Supervised handwashing will take place before lunch is taken. No hot meals will be provided. Pupils will eat their lunch at their desk in the classroom. In the first instance, we will provide a cold service for FSM pupils and a UFSM for EYFS/Year 1/Year 2 pupils only. All other pupils should bring their own packed lunch.
Breakfast Club and After School Clubs: Please be advised there will be no before or after school provision on return to school in September as they would break the security of our year group bubbles.
Communication: Parents will not be permitted onto the site except in an emergency. If you need to make contact during the school day, please call us on 01733 343895 or email admin@bishopcreightonacademy.org
First aid: Please be advised, PPE is required for the provision of First Aid and if support is required when someone has developed symptoms of COVID-19 on site. Our staff will wear PPE in accordance with the current UK government guidance in educational settings.
Cleaning: Please be advised we will be following an enhanced cleaning schedule throughout the day in line with Public Health England guidelines. High contact surfaces will be cleaned frequently throughout the school day.
Uniform: Pupils should wear their academy uniform on return to school. Pupils should aim to wear a fresh set of clothes each day. During the first week of term, we will provide parents with PE days. On these days pupils should come to school wearing their PE kit.
Reporting suspected/confirmed cases: If anyone in your family becomes unwell with either a new, continuous cough, high temperature, loss of taste or smell and you have to self isolate OR if you are aware of any confirmed cases of COVID-19 either within your own family or workplace, we would request you inform us immediately so that we can take necessary steps. Our remote learning offer will remain in place.
Receipt of information: You have been sent a link by text message to an online form to complete prior to your child returning to school. This is to confirm that you understand all of the above information. It will also provide you with an opportunity to update your contact information at the start of the new school year and provide us with any personal information you feel relevant in preparation for your child returning to school. The online form can also be accessed by clicking here