The 3 Little Pigs
There's been lots of huffing and puffing in EYFS this week. Read more to find out why!
We have started the half term by reading the story of The 3 Little Pigs. This continues our Paws & Claws theme nicely as we continue to learn about farm animals in preparation for our visit to Sacrewell Farm in March.
Despite some children not being very familiar with the story they have all quickly picked up the repetition within the story and have enjoyed joining in with their angry wolf voices!
We have been using our FANTASTIC lenses to think about the characters of the pigs and the wolf. We have used the 'Imagining' lens to consider why the wolf wanted to blow the houses down. Did he want to eat the pigs? That's what some of the children thought! Was he really a mean, angry wolf?
In Literacy we have written a 'Wanted!' poster for the wolf as well as pretending to be the wolf and writing a sorry letter to the pigs. Everyone agreed that the wolf would have felt very sorry for his actions and actually just wanted to be friends with the pigs.
Outside the children have been using sticks to make their own stick houses. We have also been developing our strength by pushing smaller sticks into a very tightly compact bale of straw - this is much harder than it looks! We have used our knowledge of the story to act it out with friends, each taking on a different role. The children being the wolf used some very angry voices and those poor little pigs displayed some very scared, timid voices! The children have really embraced this.
Using 2Paint on Purple Mash we have been designing our own homes for the pigs. There have been some very imaginative designs from the children with lots of discussion about windows, doors, chimneys and the size of each home as well as the materials that the home is made from.
Using our large wooden blocks we have been following our designs to build a home.
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