Paws & Claws

Our new theme for the spring term is 'Paws & Claws'.
Following lots of interest in animals last term, we are going with a 'Paws & Claws' animal theme this term.
This week the children have had a visit from Woodgreen Animal Shelter to learn more about the work they do in looking after animals, and also how we can look after our own pets and give them a loving home. Our workshop involved learning about the best home for a hamster. The children were presented with three different size hamster cages and asked which would be best. As you may know, a hamster is only a small animal which led some children to think that the smallest cage would be suitable. In fact, a smaller animal needs the biggest home possible! Some children were very surprised to learn this. The children were also tasked to think about suitable bedding to put into the cage, food to eat and also whether hamsters need toys to play with. The children listened superbly and were very keen to discuss what they had learnt with each other after the workshop.
In class our role play area has become a vets surgery. The children have been using videos from Simple City (Purple Mash) to learn more about the work of a vet as well as playing alongside an adult to model vocabulary and what the different people working in a vets do. Already, the vets have treated animals with fluff in their ear; a broken leg; glass in their foot and a cat with a poorly eye. The children are very keen to learn more about how a vet treats and takes care of poorly and injured animals.
You can see more photos from our learning this week in our photo gallery.