Story Cafe
What makes a disgusting sandwich?
This morning we held our first Story Cafe of the year.
Everyone listened beautifully to "The Disgusting Sandwich" story written by Gareth Edwards. The story is about a badger who desperately wants to eat a sandwich that a boy has dropped, but lots of different animals keep taking the sandwich away and it gets dropped in lots of different places such as the sand pit, the pond and a pile of feathers, making it into a disgusting sandwich! In the end the badger finally gets his hands on the sandwich and, after eating some delicious slugs, he decides that the sandwich is just too disgusting to eat after all!
After listening to the story the children took part in a range of craft activities with their parents/carers;
*Making a disgusting sandwich
*Making slugs using playdough
*Designing a new neckerchief for Badger to wear
*Drawing their favourite part of the story
*Drawing a friend for Badger
There were plenty of books to sit and read too. It was lovely to see so many families sharing stories and showing great pleasure in reading together.
We will be doing a Story Cafe each half term, so look out for details of the next one!