The wonder of Numicon!
Brown bear class were delighted this morning as I shared their new numicon with them!
Brown bear class were delighted this morning as I shared their new numicon with them!
They all had the opportunity to play with the numicon and started to understand the language of Numicon and how it works.
"Numicon encourages children to explore maths using structured imagery and apparatus in order to understand and explain mathematical concepts"
Numicon is a mutli sensory piece of a apparatus that is used to provide understanding for children in order to put them at ease when finding an answer to a particular question. It is colourful and easy for young children to understand, with the flexibility of using it to support teaching in a variety of mathmatical areas. These mathematical areas include; number and counting, addition and subtraction, multiplication and shape.
As the children explored they quickly discovered the magic of numicon! The brown bears created; symmetrical patterns that they wanted me to quickly capture using a photograph, we had children who were putting the shapes in order of value and children whom were counting in 10's using the numicon shapes.
We cannot wait to use Numicon more in our Maths lessons throughout the term.
Well done Brown Bears, I am confident that you will become Numicon superheroes!