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Bishop Creighton Academy

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

It has been a very exciting this week in the academy!

It has been a very exciting week in the academy! The brown bears have been very excited by all of the Christmas activities going on!

To begin the week, year 1 watched the pantomine 'Robin Hood' they were all laughing and smiling throughout the whole performance. It was a real opportunity to watch characters perform in front of them. Here are some of the things they had to say about the show!

Eimantas- "Wow that was AMAZING, I loved it."

Lena- I wish we could watch it again

Just as they thought their day couldn't get any better, Christmas lunch was served! The class were all very excited as Mrs Roberts came into the hall dressed up as a turkey! The children loved wearing their special hats and reading Christmas jokes to their friends. 

As the week finished the brown bears and Koala class performed their Christmas show 'Christmas with the Aliens' to the rest of the school! It was a fantastic morning and the children all looked amazing in their costumes. Let's hope that no Aliens arrive at BCA this Christmas. I was very proud and loved seeing the children so happy on the stage!

Please take a look at the photo album from this week. It has been a wonderful week at BCA!

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing more families at the Christmas shows next week.

Miss Ward.