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Bishop Creighton Academy

Safer Internet Day 2017

Today we helped to raise awareness of internet safety amongst the children as part of the International 'Safer Internet Day'.

The obviouss choice for Penguin Class was to use the story of 'Smartie the Penguin' to support their learning and understanding of safe internet use. The story is aimed at young children and throught the use of a story and a little song, teaches children about good and bad choices when using the internet.

Why not have a look for yourself by clicking on the picture of Smartie! 


The children have also been exploring emojis as part of the #GIVEASMILE campaign. Nearly every child said they'd seen emojis before;

"I've seen them on mummy's phone" said Alfie

"I got them on my iPad" said Ruqaya

"I've seen them in the shops" said Marra.

We looked at some examples of emojis and we talked about what they mean. The children designed their own emoji then used it to hide their face while we took a photo. What fun we had coming up with our designs! By hiding our faces with our emojis we talked about how we can keep ourselves safer and not reveal lots of information or photos of ourselves online.

Click here to see more photos.

You can read more about staying safe here;