Wedding celebrations
When there's a royal wedding about to take place the only thing you can do is join in the celebrations and hold your own wedding!
Little Penguins have been learning about weddings and how different religions celebrate a wedding as part of their RE learning this term. To put all of their learning into context and as a celebration to the wedding of Prince Harry & Meghan Markle, the class have been busy making flags, colouring Union Jack pictures, making the wedding cake, designing corsages, button holes and bouquets, writing invitations to our guests and much more.
On Friday 18th May the whole academy were invited to come dressed in their finest clothes fit for a wedding. During the morning the children worked in their classrooms to learn more about weddings and about the Royal Family. In the afternoon Penguin class led the celebrations with an outdoor wedding complete with Harry, Meghan, The Queen, Prince Philip and a Vicar! The whole academy watched as the wedding ceremony took place. Following the ceremony all children and staff enjoyed a tea party and some musical entertainment.
See more photos in our gallery here.