Who is Grace Darling?
This week in our theme we have been learning about the life of a famous person.
In our theme this week we have been learning about the life of Grace Darling.
Year watched a short film about her life and were really inspired by it. They were engrossed by the film and it was a super stimulus for their writing.
This is what some of the children found out about Grace Darling:
Jake: Her dad was a lighthouse keeper
Keiron: She rowed a boat out in the storm and she was very brave. She lived in Longstone Lighthouse
Samuil: She saved people
Joel: She was born in 1815 and dies in 1842
Imaan: She is remembered by lots of people because she went into a storm and saved people
Lena: She got a medal for bravery
Look in Our Photos to see examples of our written work about Grace Darling. We were all very proud of our work.