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Bishop Creighton Academy

Sparkle, fizz, bang!

We are having a bonfire night themed week!

This week we will be learning about the story of Guy Fawkes and what he tried to do to the Houses of Parliament. We will also be talking about our own experiences of bonfire night/fireworks.

In literacy we will be writing words to describve the colours of fireworks and also the sounds the fireworks make.

In maths we will be learning some firework counting songs, making 2D shape rocket pictures and also making some pretty firework patterns.

We will be getting creative by making a range of rockets and fireworks which we will be displaying in the classroom on a backdrop of black paper which has beautiful colours painted on, just like fireworks in the night sky!

After listening to some firework muisc we will use the percussion instruments to create our own firework music.

Watch this space for more exciting updates and pictures of our lovely learning!