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Bishop Creighton Academy

Royal Wedding Celebrations

We had a fun day celebrating the wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle

Year 2 entered into fully into the celebrations of the Royal Wedding.

All the children arrived at school looking very smart, dressed in their best attire ready for the wedding in the afternoon. The children all enjoyed having their photo taken by the 'official' photographer. (Look in our photos to see them)

During the morning the children learnt about the Royal family and who Prince Harry is. This was followed by  Royal Wedding reading comprehension and a maths puzzle.

After dinner the children designed a wedding dress and wedding suit.

At 1.30 all the children and staff went outside onto the field to celebrate the wedding. Reception children performed the ceremony beautifully, Jaylen said that they did very well and he wanted to cry because he was so proud of them.

This was followed by the reception including cake, drink and dancing.  

All of year 2 really enjoyed the day and will remember the Royal Wedding celebration for along time.

Look in Our Photos to see year 2 at teh wedding