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Bishop Creighton Academy

We are Photographers!

In ICT this half term year 2 are learning how to take photographs.

They have been learning how to use the equipment and what makes a good photograph. 

The children eagerly went outside in groups and were excited to take photographs of each other. They tried taking photographs in different places and using different poses! Inside the classroom we looked at their work and the children commented on it. They have learnt some dos and don’ts when taking photographs.

  • Don’t point the camera at the sun                                                                                              
  •  Do make sure everybody’s head is in the photograph
  • Do keep the camera still until the photograph has been taken
  • Don’t take a photograph with people walking in the background

This outdoors activity has been followed up by the children uploading their photographs onto the computer and then next week printing some of them out.

They were pleased with their results and are keen to improve them next time.

Look in Our Photos to see their hard work.