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Bishop Creighton Academy

Fire! Fire!

Year 2 are ablaze with the Great Fire of London.

It all started with a visit from Samuel Pepys who told the children that he had buried a lump of cheese in his garden! This led to an inquiry where the children asked questions and looked at artefacts, pictures and some old scrolls to see why he did this. They were soon discussing the fire and looking for clues as to why it happened.

During the last three weeks they have learnt about life in London in 1666, taken part  in a drama to show how and why the fire spread so quickly and have written about the causes of it. They took on the role of Samuel Pepys and wrote a diary entry where they wrote a description of how they thought they would feel during the fire.

In PE we have worked on a fire dance showing a building before, during and after the fire. The children worked really hard in this and have shown great co-operation in a group. Look in Our Photos to see their dance.