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Bishop Creighton Academy

Perfect Place Value!

Brown Bears have been learning how to partition!
It has been a busy week in Maths for our Brown Bears this week.We are focusing on number and place value for the next 2 weeks. This week they had to really focus on their tens and ones and understand how to partition a number. We all had a wonderful time using different resources to create different numbers.The children were using; base 10, beadstrings, cubes, lego and pictures to represent numbers. The children had the opportunity to complete a challenge. They were working in small groups to reprsent a number in as many ways as they could. It was great to see them work and problem solve so well together. There is a real focus on speaking and listening in the academy this half term and the children really worked hard to do this well.
The children will bring home their new Maths magician booklets this week. We are working on our basic skills every Monday. Please could you look at this with your children. It includes; Writing the number names to twenty, doubles and halves, ordering the months of the year, number bonds to 20 and recalling the months of the year!
Please take a look at our 'Magic Maths' photo album to see all of these acitivites in action! Have a wonderful week ahead
Miss Ward.