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Bishop Creighton Academy

BMX treat for Year 4

Today was a great day back at school. 

We were all excited to come back to school because we were the first class to use the new BMX bikes. Last term, our class won the school behaviour competition and achieved the most class dojo points.

We have 10 new BMX bikes, there were the red bikes that are mainly for the older children, but we have seen the teachers ‘try them out’. There are a few black bikes which are medium in size. Finally, there are some blue bikes that can be used for the smaller children.

The rules were to make sure you put a helmet on before you got on the BMX bikes. Before we rode the bikes we had to check if everything was secure and complete all the safety checks. You had to make sure that your helmet was on tight enough and was the right size.

Our principal (Mrs Redhead) was very proud of us so she came to watch us and see how we were getting on. Year 4 couldn’t stop talking about the BMX bikes. We were so amazed and thankful. We took turns nicely and kindly. Some of the children struggled, but that didn’t stop Miss Greaves helping us. She taught some of us how to get our balance and how to peddle in a straight line.  Miss Greaves and Mrs Redhead were very supportive. Mrs Redhead said “She was happy to see everyone smiling and getting on the bikes for the first time”.

Hopefully we will win the treat again, maybe next time we can practice a few tricks.

By Ayana, Ishwa and Imaan.