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Bishop Creighton Academy

Anti-Bullying Week

What a fantastic and busy week we have had in our academy supporting Anti-Bullying Week.

The theme for Anti-Bullying week this year has been 'Choose Respect.'

On Monday, an assembly was held to mark the beginning of Anti-Bullying week. The children discussed the theme and exactly what respect is. The children look at ways they can show respect to each other in our school and what the right things are to do. This linked closely with our behaviour policy. The children were eager to learn more and talk about what they can do to stop bullying.

Throughout the week, each year group completed different tasks based on Anti-Bullying week. We had some amazing work! Some classes created some super anti-bullying posters that they could put in their classrooms to promote anti-bullying. Lydia from year 1 told me, "It is important to choose respect." In year 2 they spent the afternoon creating wristbands supporting Anti-Bullying week and writing recipes for a good friend. It was nice to see all the children enthusiastic about the topic and wearing their bracelets. The recipes were amazing with lots of hugs and kindness as key ingredients. In KS2, Purple Mash was used to create some excellent webpages and leaflets all about Anti-Bullying, what we can do if we are being bullied and what to do if you see someone being bullied. It was great to hear all the talk around anti-bullying and really getting the message of 'choose respect' across.

This year for Anti-Bullying week they had a day to focus on cyberbullying. This was Thursday and was called 'Stop, Speak, Support Day for Anti-Bullying.' Another assembly was held to explain to the children about cyberbullying. We spoke about bullying online, through messages and through inappropriate comments. They children had lots of great ideas about what we should do if we see cyberbullying. We must remember the 3 S's - Stop, Speak, Support! 

Anti-Bullying is so important in our school and we want all children to be safe and happy. It was fantastic to see all children taking part and learning from the different Anti-Bullying activities.