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Our new McDonald's Drive-Thru role play outdoors has been a big hit with the children this week!
Our new McDonald's Drive-Thru role play outdoors has been a big hit with the children this week!
We have lots of super learning planned for the summer term!
After really enjoying the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, there was nothing better than making our own porridge then eating it!
We celebrated World Book Day with staff and children wearing their pyjamas to school for the day!
It was lovely to see so many parents/carers this afternoon join us for an afternoon of Chinese new year crafts. We ended the day with the children performing their dragon dance in our newly refurbished outdoor classroom. .
We have loved learning about Chinese New Year and were very excited to share our learning with the whole academy in assembly this morning!
We have used the den making equipment to build ourselves a little hidey hole for when we are out hunting for bears!
We started our new theme of 'Bears' with a 'Bring your bear to school day'
We were most excited to return to school this week after the holidays to find our new outdoor classroom complete!
Today we enjoyed making our own Christingles to use during our whole school Christingle Assembly.
After several weeks of rehearsals, we have presented our first ever Nativity to parents/carers, family and friends. The children did very well and loved their first time on the stage!
On Wednesday 2nd December we went to Stibbington for a nativity day.