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Inclusive classrooms

 Inclusive classroom: “I'm able to make learning more personalised, but without any extra work or effort, it's so easy. So when you're trying to create an inclusive classroom having a device and Office 365 does that at literally your fingertips.” Kayley Snell, Year Six Class Teacher, Bishop Creighton Academy, Microsoft Customer Stories


We face a number of contextual challenges; pupils with English as an additional language are well above national levels (Sch 69.4 Nat 21.2), the % of pupils with SEND are above national (Sch 14.8 Nat 12.6) as are proportions of disadvantaged pupils (Sch 33.2 Nat 23.0)

Tools such as immersive reader have been adopted by teachers and are proving transformational in supporting access to the curriculum for these learners. The most powerful use of immersive reader we see is pupils playing back their own writing in both English and home language as part of their editing process and/or to check polished versions. This multi-sensory approach – both visual & audio is also really supportive for our pupils with e.g. dyslexia; not only does it help them to focus but also offers flexibility in things such as text size, line focus and background colours.