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Our bodies: the questions continue...

Since the last blog the children in Year 3 have even more questions about our theme...

Since the last blog the children in Year 3 have even more questions about our theme. We have been learning about how the heart works and all the different organs in the body. Did you know the heart is about the size of your fist? We also learnt how to check our pulse rates. This helped when we tried our new exercises. This week’s exercises consisted of bench dips, star jumps, shuttle runs and many more. All while learning how to use the stopwatches to time ourselves. What a great cross curricular link. 

In literacy, we have been learning all about play scripts and how to add stage directions. While in numeracy we have been learning how to add and subtract 3 digit numbers mentally. Can you try this 346+500=? We have also learnt how to sing, head shoulders knees and toes in French. It is much harder than it looks to sing, do the actions and learn the new words all at the same time. However, the children loved to laugh at me trying! What a busy week in Year 3.Well done, keep up the great work.

Click HERE to see the latest photos.

Miss Greaves