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Welcome to BCA!

This week, we have been learning all about our lovely school! We have been exploring all the different places in school such as; Year 6, The Staffroom, Outside Area and The Library.

This week, we have been learning all about our lovely school! We have been exploring all the different places in school such as; Year 6, The Staffroom, Outside Area and The Library. We have been looking at a blank map of the school and all the places that we need to put on our map. On our walk around school we have labelled our maps using our phonics to help us spell.

We then decided to write simple instructions on how to get to the hall just in case somebody new arrived in our classroom and did not know. We decided the best way to write instructions was to test them out ourselves first. We worked in pairs and directed our partner to the hall using directional language e.g. right, left and forward.

We have really enjoyed exploring and learning all about our school this week.