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London's Burning!

What a fantastic start to the term we have had!

In our theme lessons this half term we are learning all about The Great Fire of London!

Koala Class, have worked tremendously hard at home with their families to produce wonderful models of the Great Fire of London. We have also focused on Samuel Pepys' diary and the children attempted to write to him to ask him questions all about the fire. As a class we have discussed what caused the fire to spread and how we could change this in present day if there was a fire. We are beginning to plan a brand new London town and how it would be different to the town that Samuel Pepys lived in. 

The children have been so excited about this topic and have asked some wonderful questions about the fire!

" Why didn't anybody help them quicker?" Anna

"Have there been any other really bad fires?" Lena

"Why didn't the fire engine come?" Anas

I am really looking forward to watching our new towns develop next week. We will be using; lego, knex and bricks to build them. We will then discuss the materials our towns should be made from to help us if there was to be a fire. 

Well done year 2! I am thoroughly impressed with your efforts so far.

Miss Ward.