Science week
Year 2 have investigated during science week
This week has been science week and year 2 entered fully into it.
On Tuesday we visited the sea side where the children discovered more about materials and habitats. They worked out which was the best sand to use for building a sandcastle. This is what Emilas said 'If I use dry sand it collapses, but wet sand sticks together and my sand castle stays up'. Rock pools were studied closely by some children and they talked about what was living and growing in them. They were fascinated by the tiny crabs and a few brave children picked them up.
On Thursday we had a science afternoon and the children worked in groups on 2 investigations.
1. The children were given a round tin and some Plasticine and were asked 'Can you make the tin move?'. They were only allowed to use what they were given and they weren't allowed to push the tin in any way. At first they threw the Plasticine at the tin but this wasn't allowed as they realised the Plasticine was then pushing the tin. There was great excitement when one group put the Plasticine inside the tin and it moved. They then investigated how much Plasticine they needed to use and what happened to the movement of the tin.
2. We went outside and the children were asked 'Can you make the Plasticine float?' After much experimenting the children realised that they had to change the shape of the Plasticine. They made it into a boat shape and then improved it by altering the size of the walls.
The whole academy were also set a challenge by Mss Greaves to make the best car which would travel the furthest going down a ramp. Year 2 chose to make a car from a construction kit. These were tested in the classroom and the best one was put into the final against the other classes. Our best car was made by Tyler. On Friday Tyler went onto the playground with the other finalists and the testing took place. It was very close between first and second but we were the winners.
Well done Tyler and year 2 for a fantastic science week.