A super start
Year 2 have got really involved in this terms learning
Welcome back after teh half term break.
Year 2 have already made a good start on this terms theme Super Sea sides. We started by reading the story The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch which got all the children engaged. They were suggesting amazing adjectives to describe the characters ,in particular the seagulls, and enjoyed writing about the story and taking on the characters roles. This led to a huge discussion about sea sides and the children asking lots of questions. From this discussion the children wrote down what they already know about sea sides and what they would like to learn.
Here are some of their learning questions:-
Why are there sea sides?
Have people always gone to the seaside?
Is the sand always wet?
What are rock pools?
Have swimming costumes changed?
The children's learning questions are displayed in the classroom on a beach hut.
These questions will provide the focus for a lot of our learning this term and at the end of the term the children will see if they can answer them.