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What is living and growing?

Year 2 explored different habitats in their theme work

On Tuesday afternoon year 2 took advantage of the lovely sunshine and went outside and explored the school grounds. They hunted around the grounds for different habitats and then investigated them closely. There were four habitats they focused on.

  1. The Sensory garden. This was like entering a secret world going through a tunnel of branches. Inside they were amazed to find so many living things. They surprised at the amount of ants running across the benches. Growing close to the ground were some primulas which were new to most children.
  2. The Pond. This was exciting and a very different habitat to the sensory garden. All the children sat quietly looking for evidence of life in the pond. There were wasps flying over it and the children even managed to see a frog and water snails in the pond.
  3. The tree trunk. This caused a lot of interest as the children didn’t expect to see much life here. They looked closely and soon found a lot of small bugs living in the trunk and were surprised to find spiders and ladybirds underneath.
  4. The school field. This again was a contrasting habitat and the children named a lot of living plants and animals that they saw.

After an afternoon of investigating, the children recorded their findings and have written about the different habitats. They have worked hard to include as much detail as possible in their writing and support it with pictures of the habitats.