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We are (going to be) Superheroes!

On Friday the 9th of March, Kamal Hyman launched his 6 week superhero programme with Year 4 and Year 6!

Kamal Hyman is one of the UK’s youngest professional speakers and Spoken Word Artist. He has spoken to over 30,000 students across the UK - including working with other year groups at our academy – now he is back to work with us over the next 5 weeks!

To launch the start of our ‘How to be a Superhero’ programme, we gathered in the hall with Year 4 to find out about our mission!

So, what is it all about?

The 'How To Be A Superhero' programme is a 6 Week programme which delivers key messages to Primary School students through assemblies and daily videos which are played in the classroom.

Each week the programme will help us to explore a new theme. These themes are:

  • Bravery
  • Resilience
  • My Superpower
  • Kindness
  • Focus
  • Communication

What are the aims of this programme?

Over the next 6 weeks, the missions we complete will help us to: 

  • Develop our Character
  • Encourage Cohesion within our class
  • Raise levels of Empathy 
  • Improve our Confidence
  • Raise our Self-Esteem

After the assembly, Kamal came to our classroom and spent some time getting to know us and presented us with our very own 'How To Be a Superhero' mission book! We talked about superheroes in our lives already and why they were superheroes. Maisie describer her Mum as a superhero, Annija described her older brother as a superhero and Gustas described Miss Snell as a superhero! (Cue Miss Snell's tears!!) Following this, we thought about want we want to achieve by the end of this programme. 

Roll on Monday when we can start with out first mission!