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The Games Children Play

What a great way to start our new theme!

This half term our theme is 'The Games Children Play.' This week we had lots of fun starting our theme off looking at the different games we play and having a go!

The children were very excited on Friday coming in with their favourite board games from home. The children worked in groups playing different games. We had Monopoly, Articulate, Treasure Trail, Climbing Monkeys, Guess Who, Snakes and Ladders and a range of other games. We discussed the importance of sharing, taking turns, understanding we do not always win and respecting each other's property. Year 3 did a fantastic job in all of these areas when playing the games! We all thoroughly enjoyed having a go at lots of different board games!

We will be using what we have learnt about games we play today to compare them to games that were played in the past. Year 3 are excited to find out differences and also if any of their games were played in the past!

Thank you to all the children who bought in their favourite board game for us to play! Take a look at our photo album to see the children in action!