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School Council Meeting 24/11/17

On Friday the 24th of November, the school council members, who were elected by their peers, met for their first meeting since being appointed. 

On Friday the 24th of November, the school council members, who were elected by their peers, met for their first meeting since being appointed. Although they had met previously to introduce themselves, this was the first occasion for them to begin setting out their key priorities and to start planning their first event. 

Key discussion notes:

  • Create a PowerPoint and plan a date for the school council members to introduce themselves to the rest of the school in an assembly 
  • School council members to have badges so they are easily indetifiable.
  • Create a school council suggestion box to be placed in the hall, so all children to submit suggestions and ideas. The box will be brought to meetings so ideas and suggestions can be discussed/reviewed.

Christmas Disco

The school council have decided to organise a Christmas disco, in which all of the money raised will go towards buying new toys for the playground to be used by all children at playtimes and lunchtimes. 

The disco will take place on Thursday the 7th of December: Key Stage 1 3:30pm-4:30pm and Key Stage 2 5pm-6pm! We can also reveal that there will be proper disco equipment, including lights and kareoke! 

Entry is £2.50 and there will be a tuc shop, where you can buy sweets, crisps and drinks! Don't forget all of the money raised will go towards purchasing new toys! 

We hope to see you there!