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Superheroes graduation!

After meeting Kamal Hyman, one of the UK’s youngest professional speakers and Spoken Word Artists, Year 5 attended six superhero workshops! Once that six week superhero programme was over, we had a graduation ceremony.  

Year 5 have worked alongside Kamal Hyman to complete a six week programme to become superheroes! Over a course of six weeks we were given various missions to complete. 

The 'How To Be A Superhero' programme was a 6 Week programme which delivered key messages to the children through assemblies and daily videos which were played in the classroom.

Superheroes are awesome! Children love superheroes and the idea of being a superhero; but often believe that it’s only their superpower (super speed, super strength, flying) that make them amazing heroes. 

This programme allowed the children to explore more about the Superheroes we know and love but also broke down the key characteristics each hero has; that makes them a hero regardless of their powers. Enabling students to understand and believe that they too, can be superheroes!

Each week the programme explored a new theme. These themes were:

Bravery, Resilience, 'My Superpower', Communication, Focus and Kindness

The main aims were:

  • To help children develop their Character

  • Encourage Cohesion amongst children

  • Raise levels of Empathy 

  • Improve student Confidence

  • Raise Students Self-Esteem

The first week was BRAVERY.

We asked ourselves; what does it mean to be brave? Why do we need to be brave? what can we do in order to make us braver?

Weekly missions: We had a mission to complete every day in order to make us a better person on the inside and out. Missions involved us asking other people questions, on how we can better ourselves, speaking out about something that is worrying us and interacting with other people we may not necessarily play or work alongside. 

We have had so much fun in becoming superheroes, furthermore Kamal presented a special graduation ceremony. All the children dressed up in their superhero outfit for the day and were presented a certificate for their achievement.

What a fantastic journey, we aim to include all of the characteristics that Kamal has taught us in our everyday lives!