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Stone Age Stories

Year 3 have been working very hard in Literacy to create their own stories.

During our Literacy lessons we have been reading the story 'Little Nut's Big Journey.' This is based in the Stone Age, which links to our theme this half term.

The children enjoyed reading and studying the book and using it to support their own writing. We did lots of work around the story and the characters in it.

Year 3 were set the task of writing their own Stone Age story similar to the one we had been reading. We spent a lesson getting our ideas together and planning our individual stories. The children were full of fantastic ideas!

We had some super writing when it came to the children writing their own story and they all tried their hardest. I was very proud!

We were so proud of our stories that we went to Year 1 to share them with the younger children. Both classes loved doing this. Take a look at our photo album to see pictures of the children reading.