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Authors of the future!

On Friday afternoon year 1 eagerly anticipated a visit from year 3!

On Friday afternoon year 1 eagerly anticipated a visit from year 3!

Year 3 have been writing their own stories all about the Stone Age! Brown bear class were excited to hear them. All of the children were able to listen attentively and enjoyed year 3 reading to them!

Year 3 I am impressed to see the progress you are making in your writing! I am so proud to see you using; a range of sentence types, inverted commas for speech and a range of adjectives. You have inspired year 1 to write their own stories for you to read after the half term holiday!

Here are some of the things year 1 would like to say about the stories they heard.

" I like the stories because they are really long with big words like 'dashing' - Sophie 

"I really like the handwriting"- Serena 

"When I'm year 3, I want to write like that" Ines

"I liked listening to my big friend read a story" Julian

Miss Ward.