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A good start to the half term

A good start to the half term

Year 2 have come back after the half term holiday full of energy and eager to continue their learning. This is just a few things we have been doing this week.

Our new theme is A Great Day Out. We started by thinking about our own great days out. These included going to the shops, visiting relatives, playing in the park and going to the seaside. We then read the story Mr Gumpy's Outing and the children really got involved in taking on different roles. This led to the children writing letters to Mr Gumpy to say thankyou for the outing. All the children worked really hard to lay their work out properly and use exciting sentences. Most of them even managed to include and exclamation and a question. We have looked at film clips of differnet rivers and learnt some famous river names. The children are keen to find out where the River Nene comes from, so this will be our learning for next week.

One of the big achievements this week is that Artis has earned his gold wristband. The first one in year 2. Well done Artis.

I am really proud of the work the children have done this week and their enthusiasm to learn. I look forward to a busy and exciting last half term with them in year 2.