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Starry Night

A look at our theme this term.

Our theme this term is Starry Night. It is based around the famous Starry Night painting by Viincent Van Gogh.

We have learnt about how Van Gogh painted and the stlye of his paintings.The children were able to say how it differed to Claude Monet's work, which we looked at last term. We have learnt how to make arrange of colours using only blue, yellow, black and white. This was then used to paint their interpretation of Starry Night. As well as painting we learnt about the movement in the picture and used different thickness of pens in pen drawings. Some of our drawings and paintings can be seen in our photos under Starry Night Art Gallery.

In PE we have been perfecting our dance moves to the hit song Reach for the Stars by S Club 7. The children have really enjoyed learning this and working a a group to perform it to year 1.PIctures of their performance dance will go on the blog next week.