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Library Visit

Year 2 visited the LIbrary as part of Book Week.

On Tuesday year 2 visited the LIbrary as part of Book Week.

The children were introduced to the Library and learnt about how the books are arranged in categories. They then asked questions to the Librarian and were amazed to find out that there are about 8,000 books in the chuildrens section. After that they  spent time choosing books to read and got really excited when they found a book we have in our classroom. Some children looked for specific books, such as Horrid Henry and used alphabetical order to find the authors name and the book. 

They listened to a story being read about a frog by the LIbrarian whihc they found very funny.

Several children already have a LIbrary card adn chose books to take home with them, and showed others how to use the machine to take the book out.

The children really enjoyed their visit and have learnt something about a LIbrary.

Look at Our Photos to see the children learning in the LIbrary