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Safer Internet Day by 4MD

Today class 4MD have been celebrating "Safer Internet Day" - an initiative to make the online world a better place. This blog has been written by some of the students of 4MD.

Internet Safety

Today year 4 have been learning about internet safety. They had to draw an emoji. Outside the emoji, they wrote a tip about how to make the internet a better and safer place.

They enjoyed making the emoji. They made some cool emojis. They said some tips to make the internet a safer place. These are some of the tips people said:

"Don't say bad language on a game" - Aron.

"Don't say rude comments because other people will learn from you and the bad guy will finally stop being bad" - Samuel

"Don't say rude things on the internet" - Berak

"Delete rude comments" - Maiwand

"Block or report people who say rude comments" - Daanish

Since they like techology they had lots of fun.

Wednesday 8th February

Samuel and Aron.