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Grandad's Island

Does your Grandad have his own island? Syd's does! Read on to find out more...

This afternoon we were very lucky to receive tickets to watch a live performance of Grandad's Island by Benji Davies. The children were so excited, and for many, this was their first experience of live theatre. Once at The Key Theatre we took our seats and settled down to watch the show. The lights went out and the performance began! The characters of Grandad and Syd were brought to life on stage with a range of puppets and props to support. The children sat amazingly well and all eyes were glued to the actors. What a fantastic job they did bringing the story to life!

After the show we were lucky to meet the author, Benji Davies, in person! He read the story book and then did a live drawing demonstration of some characters from the book. The children followed his instructions and were extremely proud of their drawings. Take a look in the photo gallery to see some of their work.

You can listen to Benji reading the story book by clicking on the image of the front cover below.