Happy 2017!
The first full week of 2017 is completed, and what a week it had been!
We have completed our first full week of 2017 and what a brilliant week of learning it has been! We’ve had a great week in our new Numeracy and Literacy groups. Lots of the children have expressed how much they like their new groups and the work they have been doing. Not only have we been working hard in lessons, clearly year 5 have been doing lots of learning at home… Wow! Every morning this week I have been blown away by the interesting, exciting challenges arriving through the door! Models of Fairground rides, exciting posters, interview transcripts, fairground games (including prizes) and even a very healthy, delicious smoothie! Well done to all of you that have put lots of effort into your challenge! I loved hearing about your experiences at the Fairground and playing the games you’ve designed! So again, well done to you all and I look forward to next week, keep up the wonderful work!