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Trip to Peterborough Museum

Year 1 and 2 had an exciting trip to Peterborough Museum

As part of our theme on Toys Year 2 visited Peterborough Museum. We had a fun packed day learning about toys in the past.

We started by looking at some really old toys incuding a teddy bear stuffed with straw and a doll made out of wax. When we had looked at the toys we had to compare them with todays toys and say how they had changed and why. This was followed by a toy making session in which we made a  push up clown toy. We have all brought these back to school and will put them up on display in the classroom along with instructions on how to it.

After dinner we went into the world of The Magic Toyshop. We acted out the parts of the toys and the toyshop owner as the story was told to us. All too soon it was time to return to school.

It was a fantastic day of learning and the children will be able to use what they have learnt about toys in the past in thier work in school.

Look at the pictures of our day in our class photos.