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Year 5 are on BBC News!

Six children from year 5 were selected to be part of the Peterboough Cathedral open day, which BBC Look East West wanted to capture on film!
On Friday the 9th September, six children from Year 5 were selected for a very special job. Peterborough Cathedral were being visited by the BBC Look East West news crew to celebrate the opening of their brand new Educations and Visitor centre, and they wanted some children to be part of it! Myself and Mrs Smith set off with the six, very excited, children unsure what to expect. We all loved the new centre, we had a tour and learnt about some of the artefacts on display, and then we got to test out some games and resources. We carried on our tour to the school classrooms, and spent some time using arts and crafts, we got to try writing with quills and ink, we painted clay pictures and created Saxon treasure! However, the best bit was when the news crew came in, they were really friendly and spent time interviewing the children. The children were fantastic and great on camera, their behaviour was impeccable, and they did BCA proud. There was time for one more camera shot, before we began our journey home, this mostly consisted with the children trying to work out how famous they would be!!! On a personal note, it has to be in my top 5 teacher moments I’ve experienced, I watched the news feature air on TV that night and I had to keep re-watching it because I was so proud. Well done to all of you, what great role models for year 5!