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Let's celebrate!

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As the end of term draws closer to us, it was fantastic to be able to share some of the wonderful learning from this year. The children were all eager to show off their beautiful books! It is such a delight to see the children be so proud of their learning and take pride in their books. The children were able to show their; Literacy, Numeracy and theme books from the year. They also got out their sketchbooks to show off their markmaking and Art.
The parents were so happy to be able to see their children's work and see their progress over the year
Enrika's Mummy " I like looking at Enrika's work, she makes me so proud."
Sandra's mummy " It is nice to see what learning Sandra does every day in school."
Well done year 1, you are a credit to me and your parents and families.
Please do click here to take a look at some photographs from the afternoon!