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Mystery Man at BCA!

With a mystery man on the loose, 3SW were called into action....

This week 3SW were shocked to find out about a robbery that had taken place at Bishop Creighton Academy! Without hesitation, the class sprang into action by reading a letter from the Police, searching for evidence and interviewing witnesses. 
"I think he had a runny nose because I found a tissue at the scene" Elijah
"I think it was a girl because I could smell perfume" Barbora
"I found two different shoe laces. There were two robbers!!" Lewis
To increase awareness of the crime, 3SW decided to write their own newspaper articles to let the local community know what they had found and to warn them of the possible dangers. Thankfully, after learning about Newspapers for the last two weeks, 3SW were able to apply their skills to maximum effect. What an incredible way to engage our students in a real life context! On Friday afternoon the week was wrapped up by our parents coming into to read and enjoy the commendable efforts put in by all. Please take a look at our whirlwind week in pictures click here!